There is a mutual understanding between young people that to survive first year is a mission and a half. Nyakallo Cindy Mashigo does not think so; she believes that first year is not as bad as people make it to sound. “People exaggerate that first year is tough” claims Mashigo. She is taking university like high school, she is taking things easy. “University is not that much work”, stipulates Mashigo. She states that when she was at high school she had more work because she had to write homework everyday for seven subjects and she now has four subjects here. She is not saying there is no work at university just that it is not as overwhelming as people make it to seem.
Nyakallo Cindy Mashigo is a first year BA student majoring in Politics. She has a mentor but she claims that she does not need one because, “mentors are just a waist of time”. She justifies her statement by mentioning that mentors do not usually remember the things that they did in first year and that if they do remember, you find that they were not really good academically in first year. Mentors also like to be treated like royalty says Mashigo. She makes this statement because her mentor never makes it to their appointments and she just changes her schedule whenever she feels like it without consulting her.
Mashigo is made strong by the fact that her parents’ support her and she is driven to succeed by the fact that her parents pay a lot of money to get her to university and because she wants to set a good example for her younger brother.
Mashigo has been in a relationship for the last five months. Mashigo and her boyfriend were initially friends before they started dating and she claims that they know each others strengths and weaknesses. She makes her relationship work by having fun and remaining friends with her boyfriend. Though like in any relationship obstacles do come up but they have managed to make it work up to so far.
They spend as much time as possible together and they do not only have fun together but they also study together. One of the activities that they did together which is still memorable to Mashigo is the MTN campus challenge, where they worked together “against the world”.
Mashigo claims that, “love really does motivate”. She believes that everybody can do it and she recommends going out at first year. She warns that people should get into relationships with the intention to be committed. She also mentions that everybody knows their strengths and if they cannot control or handle love they should not try it.
Mashigo believes that she is a survivor because even though she has been through a lot she still managed to stay on top of her game and overcome everything. “People should have confidence in who and what they are”, says Mashigo.
Some of the obstacles that Mashigo had to overcome is the issue of home sickness, having to cope with girls who run after her boyfriend and make her life miserable by always flirting with her boyfriend. She also had to cope with boys who try to bad mouth her and tell her boyfriend that she is going out with them behind his back. She also has to deal with boys who flirt with her, but all of these have not made Mashigo doubt herself instead they have made her a stronger person. She manages to overcome this strains by believing in her boyfriend, talking about everything that makes her uneasy and telling him about people who flirt with her. “We are in a very open relationship, we communicate about everything” states Mashigo. On the issue of homesickness Mashigo has managed to have a group of very faithful friends that help her overcome anything.
The interview was conducted in Mashigo’s boyfriend’s room and during the whole interview she looked homey and at ease. She smiled at the right times and became serious when it was necessary. The room is decorated with pictures of themselves. The boyfriend found us inside and when he entered they immediately greeted each other affectionately. They do everything together and when I was packing my things to leave, they were already working on their assignments and they were helping and encouraging each other to work harder.
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