Survival of the Fresher

Survival of the Fresher



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A Letter To My Younger Self ________________________________________________________________
Dear Self

Over the course of this year you have “put off” a number of important and significant extra activities and tasks that you were encouraged to participate in. Your reasons for not getting involved were unsubstantial. You were either tired, “did not feel like it” or “you just felt as if it did not matter”. Some of these activities include auditions, joining of societies, res activities and sporting activities which are not only important for health reasons but for experience as well, intellectually and physically. For example getting involved in Drama auditions could have developed some of your pre-existing drama skills and this could have worked to your advantage considering you are a first year drama student. I recall several opportunities you have just “given away”. In July of 2008, the Rhodes Drama Department held audition for a productions they were to show. You were keen to attend, you made a mental note of it. You do not often do this though (make mental note), you usually enter it into your diary however you considered this as less important thus you did not record it. You were at the venue at the time of the audition however you were there for other reasons but you had time available for the audition but as usual you “put it off” based on the fact that you did not feel like it. I also remember the week in which significant movies were being showed at a venue on campus however you decides not to go because you did not want to leave your room, I would rate this as being lazy or undetermined. I wish someone had warned you about being dedicated to everything that is significant even if it causes a small change. Even thought you are dedicated to the major and more important aspects in your life, you need to show more interest in extra activities. I believe this will fulfil your desire of doing something “different” because you have always said you want to do something other than the usual “partying at friar” or going to “Cow Moon”, and get as many different experiences as possible and share this with others. Unfortunately the university year is almost over therefore there is very little activity taking place at the moment but looking on the bright side I know that you will make the necessary changes next year and I wish you GOODLUCK.

Yours faithfully
Verusha Naidoo

posted by Homo-Sapien at 2:34 PM >1 comments


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First Years - the KINGS and QUEENS of our blog and some Villains! They, are what our blog is made of: SURVIVAL OF THE FRESHER! We explore their "sunny side up" days and and their "underdone" days as well as everything inbetween...Some juicy stuff!


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