Survival of the Fresher

Survival of the Fresher



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A letter to my younger self ________________________________________________________________

Dear friend

It is with great pleasure and humour that I write this letter to you.

Remember the day when you were contemplating about Rhodes University. Those were the good all days. Do you remember the day before coming to Grahamstown, what a day, the dreams you had and the nightmares. That was really innocent and unintelligent of you. You were so scared of going there, without your parents, friends and the most terrifying fact was that you were the only one at your school and the first one to go to Rhodes. Do you remember when you felt like crying because you did not know how you were going to make friends? What about that time when you were practicing how you were going to greet people you did not know. It was so funny, I mean listen to this, hi my name is Samzo from Clocolan some call it London, and then thinking that everybody is going to laugh at you. Of course they were going to laugh, what kind of an introduction is that.

You were so naïve, you never thought that everybody will have their worries or that they will also be scared. What about that first attempt at making a friend with the first person you met, pretending like you knew everything about Rhodes University, but you must admit the poor guy was impressed and intimidated at the same time, no wonder he was always by your side. If only he knew that when you got to your room you cried you eyes out and called your mother and told her that you did not want to study at this university and that you wanted to come home as soon as possible. Unfortunately for you, your mother will hear nothing about that, you even called you brother and told him that it was a mistake to come to Rhodes university and that you should have went to the University of the Free State, what a laugh.

Over all you were naïve to think that you will not be able to make friends.

Yours in remembrance

Ramosamo Sam Raboroko

posted by Sam at 1:58 PM >0 comments


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First Years - the KINGS and QUEENS of our blog and some Villains! They, are what our blog is made of: SURVIVAL OF THE FRESHER! We explore their "sunny side up" days and and their "underdone" days as well as everything inbetween...Some juicy stuff!


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